Welcome | Servicios Maritimos y Logisticos Pisco S.A.C. Servicios Maritimos y Logisticos Pisco S.A.C . Site Navigation[Skip] Home Services General Port Agents Brokers Vessel Operators Stevedoring Port Logistics & Warehousing Equipment services Additional Shipping Services Port of Pisco Locations Contact Us Sidebar[Skip] Providing a constant contribution to Peru`s expansion through local and foreign trade Services We understand that in this specific business, time is very much of the essence, therefore we have developed relationships with terminal operators as well as service providers and ship owners in order to meet a quality service standard and maximize vessel turnover.
We have extensive experience handling coal, clinker, iron, scrap, cement, minerals, fertilizers, a wide range of steel products and project cargo.
Welcome Our company Servicios Maritimos y Logisticos Pisco S.A.C. is located in Lima and Pisco which operates as a general agency mainly at the port of Pisco. Through our sister company Naviera Panoceanica S.A.C. we also are actively involved in brokering the transporation of dry bulk cargo for a selected group of Peruvian and Foregin Clients. Our main exectives have over 35 years of experience, with hunders of projects under their belt ranging from port logisticis to vessel operation and stevedoring. We pride ourselves in providing a constat contribution to Peru`s expansion through local and foreign trade.
The philisophy behind our company is to serve our clients as best as we possibly can while developing synergies between the different indsutry services we offer to our clients. We have extensive experience in all the services we offer and try to make sure that every service is performed with the same quality standard that we have accustomed our clients to. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if you require further information regarding our shipping services. © Servicios Maritimos y Logisticos Pisco S.A.C. 2012 [Back To Top]