Wayra | Handcrafted Alpaca Textile Sourcing (511) 637-1627 Home Español News Request our catalog Contact us About Us Sustainable Development Products & Techniques Capacity Services About Alpaca Select Page Handcrafted Alpaca Textile Sourcing
Wayra produces first quality items carefully crafted in an environment that allows our artisans to capture the natural beauty that surrounds them and inspires the art they create with their hands and their hearts. We invite you to learn more about Wayra. Request a catalog explore wayra´s world and alpaca´s fiber
Bring your design to us and we will make it come true . AlPACA FIBER
Since ancient times, Alpaca is the primary livelihood for thousands of families from the Andean highlands. Ancient Peruvians respected and cared for this South American member of the camelid family. Without the alpaca, their daily life would have been much different DISCOVER MORE ABOUT ALPACA PRODUCTS AND TECHNIQUES
Whether handloom, hand knitted (two-needles or crochet) or industrial woven, our artisans create beautiful, high quality products, that deliver complete customer satisfaction. You are also able to follow the entire production process from beginning to end . CHECK OUR PRODUCTS AND TECHNIQUES OUR SERVICES
We research the products side by side with you which guarantees your vision and the highest qualityWe handle all the necessary certificates and carefully pack the product, as requested.. Our exports team verifies that each one of our products meets or exceeds your requested specifications. READ MORE ABOUT OUR SERVICES
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Av. República de Panamá 6537
Lima 15047
Phone (+511) 637-1627