

Verne – Soluciones en abastecimiento Home Our Company Our Products Mineral processing and Piping Mineral Processing Equipment Piping components and equipment Wear elements Equipment Coating Transference Points Sealing materials Inputs for acid plant Products for Copper and Iron Smelters Equipment spare parts Chemical Products Concentrator Plant Oxides Plant Commodities Services Clients Links of Interest Contact us SOLUCIONES DE ABASTECIMIENTO SOLUCIONES DE ABASTECIMIENTO SOLUCIONES DE ABASTECIMIENTO SOLUCIONES EN ABASTECIMIENTO OUR PRODUCTS Mineral processing and Piping Wear elements Inputs for acids plant Inputs for Copper and Iron Smelters Equipment spare parts Chemical Products and Inputs RECORD AND CERTIFICATIONS LINKS OF INTEREST Associations Governmental Institutions Mining Companies in Chile Mining Companies in Peru and Argentina MINING IN PERU

Mining is a part of our national identity, and has been and still is key for the country’s development. Its importance has been notorious throughout our history, and its present and future contribution is undeniable, as it is a long term industry.

PERÚ: Schell 690 piso 6, Miraflores, Código Postal: Lima18 - Teléfono contacto: +51 1 6823345 -
CHILE: Av. Andrés Bello 2777 of 1801 Las Condes, Código Postal: 7550611 - Teléfono contacto: +56 2 28858633 - Email:
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