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UBS published its third-quarter 2020 results on 20 October. Access reports and webcast Our capabilitiesWealth Management UBS offers high net worth and affluent individuals around the world a complete range of tailored advice and investment services. Our spectrum ranges from investment management to estate planning and corporate finance advice, in addition to specific wealth management products and services. Overview of wealth management Asset Management UBS offers investment capabilities across traditional and alternative asset classes for private clients, intermediaries and institutional investors. Overview of asset management Investment Bank A global financial services firm with a focused model built around clients and their needs, with an emphasis on informed advice, tailored ideas and solutions and best-in-class execution. Overview of investment bank UBS. The bank for banks We help banks to extend their offers and transform their cost structures. Services include market intelligence, business execution, liquidity provision, processing and client servicing. Overviewof UBS. The bank for banks Financial intermediaries Our solutions for independent financial advisors and wealth managers include research, infrastructure and a broad range of products and services. Overview of financial intermediaries Banking in Switzerland UBS provides a complete set of banking services for individual, corporate and institutional clients. Wealth Management of wealth management in Switzerland Retail Banking for private clients in Switzerland Corporations and institutions in Switzerland Who? What? Where?
Our global support for COVID-19 relief Explore the map Website for global responses on COVID-19 Investment views and financial market data Hang Seng24786.13 Hong Kong 16:08:36 0.13% DJ Industrial Aver28403.73 New York 14:35:35 0.68% DAX12543.06 Frankfurt 17:45:00 -0.12% EURO STOXX 503171.41 Zürich 17:50:00 -0.29% STOXX Europe 502849.59 Zürich 17:50:00 -0.14% SMI9999.05 Zürich 17:31:20 0.09% NASDAQ 100 Index11668.93561 New York 14:35:34 0.03% Further indices Chief Investment Office Chief Investment OfficeDaily commentary Daily commentaryUBS Quotes UBS QuotesExchange rates Exchange rates About us
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