Sierra Metals Inc. - Home Skip to main content Home About Sierra OverviewManagementDirectorsAdvisers to the BoardCommittee CompositionCorporate Governance Projects Operations Yauricocha MineBolivar MineCusi Mine Exploration Peru VictoriaAdricoSan JuanCarmencitaIpilloÉxicto SurYauricocha FaultYanamachay/Silacocha Mexico Batopilas PropertyMaguarichic PropertyMoris PropertyBacerac PropertyArechuyvo ProjectOribo ProjectEast Durango Project (Tecolote)Melchor Ocampo Project Reserves and Resources Investors Share Information Stock Quote & ChartAnalyst CoverageDividends News ReleasesWhy InvestFinancial Information Financial ReportsSEDAR FilingsSEC Filings EventsMediaInvestor Resources Email AlertsRSS Corporate Presentation ResponsibilityContact Us Eng Esp Ger Site Search(toggle the search module) toggles the navigation panel Well Positioned For Growth
Expanding Production in Peru and Mexico Eng Esp Gertoggles the navigation panel Home About Sierra OverviewManagementDirectorsAdvisers to the BoardCommittee CompositionCorporate Governance Projects Operations Yauricocha MineBolivar MineCusi Mine Exploration Peru VictoriaAdricoSan JuanCarmencitaIpilloÉxicto SurYauricocha FaultYanamachay/Silacocha Mexico Batopilas PropertyMaguarichic PropertyMoris PropertyBacerac PropertyArechuyvo ProjectOribo ProjectEast Durango Project (Tecolote)Melchor Ocampo Project Reserves and Resources Investors Share Information Stock Quote & ChartAnalyst CoverageDividends News ReleasesWhy InvestFinancial Information Financial ReportsSEDAR FilingsSEC Filings EventsMediaInvestor Resources Email AlertsRSS Corporate Presentation ResponsibilityContact Us
Sierra Metals Inc. is a mid-tier precious and base metals producer in Latin America offering a strong value proposition to investors.
Historic Low Cash Cost Production of Base and Precious Metals
Solid Financial Position with High Liquidity and Strong Operating Cash Flows
Strong Production
& Reserve Growth
Diversified Asset Base and Production of 5 metals, including Zinc, Copper, Silver, Lead, and Gold Feature Presentation Projects Peru Mexico Yauricocha Sierra Metals Properties Yauricocha
Through its wholly owned subsidiary, Dia Bras Peru S.A.C., Sierra Metals acquired 82% of Minera Corona, S.A. ("Corona") in May of 2011. Established in 1993, Corona is a Peruvian company engaged in the exploration, extraction, production and commercialization of copper, lead and zinc concentrates, with high silver and gold components at the Yauricocha Mine in Yauyos Province, Peru. In addition to the producing mine, the Yauricocha property is host to multiple near-mine and regional exploration targets. Sierra Metals´ current land position in Peru exceeds 50,000 hectares. Learn More Bacerac Moris Arechuyvo Maguarichic Oribo Cusi Bolivar Batopilas East Durango Melchor Ocampo Sierra Metals Properties Bacerac Property
On the Bacerac property, Sierra is targeting an area of historic workings known as the San Patricio prospect, where initial confirmation sampling over an interval of 8.3 m yielded weighted averages of 2.3 g/t Au and 1,722 g/t Ag, along with significant values of copper and lead. The Company’s geologists have mapped, trenched and sampled the San Patricio area, with reported results including a 23.5 m trench length averaging 0.59 g/t Au and 200.2 g/t Ag. Mineralization is hosted by shallow-dipping breccias.
Core drilling by Sierra resulted in a low recovery of samples from the breccias zones and further drilling is planned with RC (reverse circulation) method in order to improve sample recovery from the target breccias. Learn MoreSierra Metals Properties Moris Property
The Moris Property is a low-sulphidation epithermal gold and silver prospect that incorporates several historic mines and is being evaluated for potential near-term small-scale production. Learn MoreSierra Metals Properties Arechuyvo
The Arechuyvo project lies in a region with large exposures of Mesozoic limestone and shale that have been intruded by a large granodiorite pluton near Arechuyvo and numerous mineral occurrences are present. The area is prospective for epithermal precious metal mineralization and for copper skarns and polymetallic replacement mineralization. Learn MoreSierra Metals Properties Maguarichic Property
The Maguarichic property is host to epithermal hot spring gold prospects. In November 2010, Fresnillo, Plc. (“Fresnillo”), and the Company reached an amicable agreement whereby Fresnillo gave up its 30% interest in all of Maguarichic, and the Company transferred approximately 30% of the land concessions it held in the western section of the concessions to Fresnillo. The Company now holds 100% direct interest in its remaining Maguarichic Property. Learn MoreSierra Metals Properties Oribo
The Oribo project is in the San Rafael de Oribo area of western Chihuahua State, Mexico. These concessions are located about 23 km west of Monterde and 25 km north of the Palmarejo and Guazapares districts.
The primary exploration target on the property consists of strongly silicified and brecciated limestone and marble with local skarn occurrences near the contact with intrusions of intermediate composition. Manhattan Minerals (Manhattan) previously explored a portion of the property in 1996 and 1997. Learn MoreSierra Metals Properties Cusi
Sierra Metals Inc. is a significant mineral property holder in Mexico with a land package of over 142,000 hectares.
The Company's key assets in Mexico include the 100% owned Bolivar and Cusi mines located in southwest and central Chihuahua State, respectively. Learn MoreSierra Metals Properties Bolivar
Sierra Metals Inc. is a significant mineral property holder in Mexico with a land package of over 142,000 hectares.
The Company's key assets in Mexico include the 100% owned Bolivar and Cusi mines located in southwest and central Chihuahua State, respectively. Learn MoreSierra Metals Properties Batopilas Property
The Company began reconnaissance exploration work on the Batopilas property in 2011 with encouraging results. The presence of visible free gold in stream sediments was identified over an 8 km2 area within the 25 km2 La Verde alteration area and is a high-priority target for detailed follow-up work for high- to medium-sulphidation gold mineralization. The property also hosts the Corralitos prospect, a molybdenum-copper deposit that was partially drilled by a previous owner in 1997 and drilled by the Company in 2011 with encouraging results. The primary target at Corralitos is stockwork-hosted molybdenum mineralization adjacent to a major NNE-trending fault. Learn MoreSierra Metals Properties East Durango
The East Durango project is located in the center of the Mexican Silver Belt, one of the most active exploration areas in Mexico due to major discoveries such as Penasquito and the nearby ECU property. The property was explored in the 1990s by Laminco and its joint venture partner, Carlin Gold. These companies identified large geochemical soil anomalies for gold, as well as the indicator elements arsenic, antimony and mercury, in an area with geologic characteristics similar to the sedimentary rock hosted gold deposits of Nevada. Learn MoreSierra Metals Properties Melchor Ocampo
Melchor Ocampo is located in the Concepcion del Oro region of northeastern Zacatecas state near the border with Coahuila state. Mineralization in the Concepcion del Oro region consists of carbonate replacement deposits (CRD) including several large mines and significant historical producers at Concepcion del Oro, Terminal de Providencia, Salaverna, Santa Rosa, Noche Buena, Melchor Ocampo, and the huge Peñasquito mine. Learn More Press Release RSS Feed (opens in new window) Latest News View All NewsEvent RSS Feed (opens in new window) Upcoming Events View All Events Social Media Twitter Instagram Linkedin Tweets by SierraMetals Production Summary Overview of production Why Invest Financial position & potentialQ3 2020 Financial Results Most Recent Quicklinks Contact Us Financials Projects SEDAR Filings SEC Filings Email Alerts Stay Connected Twitter (opens in a new window) Facebook (opens in a new window) Instagram (opens in a new window) Linkedin (opens in a new window) © Sierra Metals Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use Privacy Statement Cookie Preferences Powered By Q4 Inc. in new window)