Saval | Pharmaceutical English Español Savalnet EMC Saval Centro Saval Savalcorp Proveedores LABORATORIOS SAVAL Home Our Company History Contribution in Chile Social Responsability Ethics Code Compliance Technology Manufacturing Site Quality Standards and Good Manufacturing Practices Image Gallery Production Plant Video World Wide Guatemala Costa Rica Chile Bolivia Ecuador Paraguay Perú El Salvador Panamá Uruguay República Dominicana Products Brands Therapeutic Class Active Ingredient Pharmacovigilance Contact Us
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SAVAL Pharmaceuticals extended its activities successfully to various countries in Latin America... Pharmacovigilance
Committed to the detection, assessment and prevention of adverse effects.... Production Plant
SAVAL Laboratories is committed to the program activities Continuous Improvement, Total Quality and World Class Manufacturing along with a comprehensive plan for environmental protection ... GMP
Obtaining a quality medicine SAVAL is a result of rigorous planning and the combined efforts of all members of a company that governs their production processes based on the International... Social Responsibility
SAVAL Laboratories has shown a steady increase in human capital in recent years, emphasizing the good relations between workers and the company, with particular concern for the safety and development ... Corporate Mission
To contribute towards the preservation of health, by providing high quality, necessary and innovative pharmaceutical products, in response to demands in the markets... History
SAVAL Pharmaceuticals history start in the early 30’s in Spain to continue in Chile during the 40’s and in the latest decades in other latin american countries. Ethics Code
Laboratorios Saval S.A. regards respect of each person’s dignity, integrity in one’s actions and transparent processes to be essential values... Our Company History Contribution in Chile Social Responsability Ethics Code Compliance Technology Manufacturing Site Quality Standards and Good Manufacturing Practices Image Gallery Production Plant Video World Wide Guatemala Costa Rica Chile Bolivia Ecuador Paraguay Perú El Salvador Panamá Uruguay República Dominicana Products Brands Therapeutic Class Active Ingredient Pharmacovigilance Contact Contact Us Job Opportunities
Avda. Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva 4600
Renca - Santiago de Chile
Phone: (+56) 22 707 3000
Postal Code: 8640002
Box: 75-D
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