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look the video "Kamisaraki"    Round trips Peru

Peru offer to the traveler many attractions, in many aspects and on many locations.

The variety in history, landscapes, ecologial systems, flora and fauna is reflecting also in the Round trips Peru, offered in this website. The round trips includes historical evidences from the pre-inca time, the inca time and the colonial period. Geographically start the round trips from the coast desert, crossing through diferent mountain forms of the Andes and combinations from mountains and jungle until the never-ending lowland jungle of the Amazon region. Whereas on some stations of the Round trips Peru you will find only spare animals and plants, on other places are waiting for you an unimaginable variety of flora and fauna.

Travel in Peru has an peculiar enchantment. For somone may seem to much adventure. But everyone may experience and enjoy Peru with a little desire for adventure and the willingness to accommodate its behavior to the conditions from the country. Peru is a very attractive destination for travelers, not only for careless young people, but also for mature persons, who likes to know somewhat from a different, fascinating world.

The round trips to Peru offered in this website are only some of the many possibilities. Communicate us your desire and we will elaborate for you an individual proposal.

Let’s go to Peru!