

Natural Valle | Cajamarca

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Produce and develop high quality products with added value for the world, contribute to the development of sustainable agriculture and making it profitable for rural communities in Peru, making it possible for people from other countries can enjoy and benefit from agricultural products from the coast, highlands and forest of Peru. Our Company

Natural Valle, is a company located in South America, in the north Andes of Peru, dedicated to the development and marketing of agroindustrial products of high quality. Since 2004 our activities have been based on rescue and sustainability of the species belonging to our biodiversity. To get the right product and ensure the quality of our products, the company maintains close contact with fields and farmers, besides the constantly train to our associates and employees. When our company works directly with farmers, generates demand and integration of farming communities to international markets, enabling businesses to be sustainable and competitive, generating confidence and trust to our customers. Our Vission

To become a company leader in the development, introduction and marketing of the agroindustrial peruvians products in the world market and be recognized for: Have extensive international presence. Create opportunities and sustainable development in our area and the world. Use policies environmental conservation, social responsibility and fair trade. Make business a pleasure.

"A company leader in the development and marketing of agroindustrial products of Peru, pioneer in the production and export of Physalis or Golden Berry in fresh and dried presentations. Our principle as a company is to enrich the market with our products,when we enrich the market, everyone involved in our supply chain are benefited because of our ability to expand opportunities." Gallery Contact

© Natural Valle 2016. All rights reserved.

Country: Perú

City: Cajamarca

Telephone: 51-76-342892
