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Phone +49 69 273992-0


Miebach Consulting GmbH

Untermainanlage 6

60329 Frankfurt am Main


Miebach Germany i Germany 3 u Return Argentina Benelux Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia France Germany Guatemala India Italy Mexico Peru Poland Saudi Arabia Spain Switzerland United Arab Emirates United Kingdom USA English 3 u Return Deutsch Español Français Consulting meets
Engineering Sound strategies and solutions for the supply chainLearn more i Strategy meets
Practicality Developing new strategies focused on implementable alternativesLearn more i Independence meets
Responsibility Designs based on the client's specific needsLearn more i Innovation meets
Feasibility Join the team setting trends and delivering successLearn more i Global meets
Local Global best practices with local expertiseLearn more i 97 Miebach Consulting Miebach Consulting – Client driven servicesMiebach strategies and implementations support clients in gaining and maintaining leading market positions, while enhancing their ROI. Our objective is to deliver the most-effective strategies and solutions that lead to benchmark supply chains. Digitalization as a key element of business success is an integral element of our services, enabling efficiency and technological advancement. For nearly 50 years we have built a proven international record of over 10,000 successful supply chain projects and solutions.

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Miebach Services Plan. Design. Implement.

Our services span the complete supply chain. We develop concepts that define the integration of all relevant services. Upon these concepts our consultants and engineers plan, design and implement network structures, effective processes and sustainable installations.  Companies dependent upon the seamless operation and successful performance of their supply chains need prospective solutions. Therefore, our service model is built on three main pillars that offer the integration of different capacities: Supply Chain Transformation, Engineering & Implementation and Operational Excellence. Our services are centered on a holistic approach. We consider our client’s strategy, business process and logistics as equally important parts of a prospective supply chain concept. Learn more i

Miebach Industries Multi-specialized

We provide consulting and engineering services to a broad range of industries. Our experience and expertise with diverse lines of business enable us to meet their specific requirements. The Miebach Consulting teams are experienced in all relevant processes, terminologies and benchmarks, enabling them to adapt to individual demands. Because we have executed nearly 10,000 projects over the course of the last 4 decades, we have a strong portfolio of projects across our practices for the industries listed below, as well as others. This multi-specialized approach, as well as our experience in various industries, not only helps us to develop best practices and state-of-the-art supply chain solutions, it also allows us to use the integration of knowledge for successful and efficient interdisciplinary strategies and solutions. Learn more i

Contact Germany Miebach Consulting GmbH

Phone +49 69 273992-0

Email Miebach Germany i Events 21 October 2020 - 23 October 2020 In­ter­na­tion­al Sup­ply Chain Con­fer­ence 2020 - Sus­tain­ab­il­ity in Ac­tion Digital Event, Germany

The International Supply Chain Converence 2020 will take place as a digital event from October 21 to 23, 2020 under the motto "Sustainability in Action- Winning the Next Decade".For the first time the BVL is offering a digital congress... Learn more i 22 June 2021 - 24 June 2021 Lo­giMAT 2021: In­ter­na­tion­al lo­gist­ics trade fair in the heart of Europe Exhibition center at Stuttgart Airport, Stuttgart, Germany

LogiMAT, the international trade fair for distribution, materials handling and information flow, will welcome visitors from the 22nd to 24th of June 2021 under Corona high safety and health standards. Visitors as well as national and... Learn more i News USA, 24 September 2020 Victoria Ma recognized as one of Supply & Demand Chain Executive’s Women in Supply Chain

Leading B2B Publication Releases Annual List of the Supply Chain's Top Female Professionals Supply & Demand Chain Executive, the only magazine in the supply chain industry covering the entire global supply chain that focuses on ROI,... Learn more i Switzerland, 15 September 2020 Miebach supports the Swiss Museum of Transport in the conception of the exhibition “Experience Logistics!”

On September 1, 2020, the technical museum "Swiss Museum of Transport" in Lucerne officially opened the main exhibition "Experience Logistics!" The museum has been transformed into a logistics world to give the public a playful introduction... Learn more i Germany, 05 August 2020 What should you do if your warehouse no longer meets customer and market requirements?

Customer needs and market requirements are changing more than ever and are putting companies under pressure to act. Traditional business models must be abandoned and replaced by more suitable concepts. On increasingly digital channels, the... Learn more i Locations USMCA Montreal Mexico City IndianapolisCASA Buenos Aires Sao Paulo Santiago de Chile Bogota Guatemala City LimaEMEA Leuven Paris Frankfurt am Main Berlin München Milan Gliwice Dammam Barcelona Madrid Zug Dubai OxfordAPAC Shanghai Bangalore Projects Projects Creating target processes for distribution center

Aftermarket & Spare Parts

Process Design and IT-Systems

Outsourcing Project Summary

An international automotive supplier was planning a new distribution center (DC) for the Eastern European market. The DC was to be operated by an outside logistics service provider, and Miebach Consulting was brought in to develop and describe target processes and IT interfaces. A detailed specification and graphic models of the new process chains were created, which served as a component of the agreement between the client and service provider. Project Scope

Moderation and expert input during process workshops

Analyze processes using Miebach tools

Documentation of target processes using modeling language BPMN 2.0 Benefits

Precise definition of target processes of the new DC

Clear organizational and IT interfaces

Complete documentation for contract design with the service provider r s 1 3 Projects Tender support for e-commerce operations

Logistics Services Providers

Outsourcing Project Summary

A logistics service provider asked Miebach Consulting to support its tender process for the operation of an e-commerce distribution center by creating the RFP document. As per the requirements of the tender document, alternatives for warehouse location and facility were proposed. A layout plan and material flow analysis of the proposed facilities were created. Supporting IT-systems and organizational structures were recommended. The business case also featured the creation of a pricing model. Project Scope

Design processes, layout, IT systems, and material handling equipment

Develop implementation plan as well as pricing and gain sharing model

Create proposal document in client’s corporate design Benefits

Sound and highly competitive proposal

Developed process map exceeding customer expectation

Prepared implementation plan for smooth transition r s 1 3 Projects Multi-stage factory structure plan secures growth

Aftermarket & Spare Parts

Project Management

Site Masterplanning Project Summary

It is difficult for OEMs to plan long-term growth prospects in the aftermarket segment. New product series, long-term stock levels, and changes in purchasing can affect space and performance requirements. Miebach Consulting has developed a strategy to deal with these issues, based on a factory structure plan that can be gradually expanded. Consulting was provided for a leading OEM for a resulting multi-project environment. As each upstream stage is completed, the planning of the next stage begins. Project Scope

Develop a multi-stage factory structure plan

Economic assessment of potential business models

Project management for the implementation project Benefits

Flexible expansion concept that responds to business developments

Financing that protects liquidity and does not affect accounting balances

On-time project conclusion within budget, enabling the next phase to proceed r s 1 3 More projects
3 Project Filter Your Industry Our Services Aftermarket & Spare Parts Automotive Chemical Consumer Goods Fashion & Apparel Logistics Services Providers Manufacturing & High-Tech Pharmaceutical & Medical Devices Retail Change Management Inventory Optimization Network Design & Production Footprint Organizational Development Process Design and IT-Systems S&OP Supply Chain Assessment Supply Chain Visibility Integrated Logistics and Construction Production Logistics Project Management Simulation Site Masterplanning Transition Planning Warehouse Design Warehouse Management Systems Go Live Management IT Strategy KPI Development & Benchmarking Operations Audit Outsourcing Training & Coaching Transport Optimization Selected
IndustryAutomotive Fashion & Apparel Fashion & Apparel Fashion & Apparel Fashion & Apparel Fashion & Apparel Fashion & Apparel Fashion & Apparel Selected
ServicesAutomotive Fashion & Apparel Filter now 3 Projects Selected  projects More projects
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