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Subscribe Subscribe to this blog Subscribe Home YouTube Photography More… Posts RIP SAT :(Get link Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Other Apps August 14, 2020MaraCo.
Hey guys I’m back again. I know I haven’t been keeping up with the blog lately but I promise you I will find the motivation to write again. If you read my post about the ACT getting canceled back in July, you’d know how upset I was. I ended up registering for the SAT, and that sadly has been canceled as well. I realize lots of schools are now test-optional, but I can’t help feeling like I lost such a big part of my application. However, there is a good side to all of this. With all of my college admissions test canceled, it gives me more time to focus on writing my essay and putting more time into my hobbies. Anyways, while I am sad about the SAT, it gives me the opportunity to put more time into other things. Expect more posts soon.
Love, Nita 
Post a Comment Read more Need To Get My Life Together Get link Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Other Apps July 29, 2020 MaraCo.
Summer is almost coming to an end and I feel very stressed out. I have an SAT test coming up in a month and then an ACT test following that. I know that I will need to score high on these tests. Also, why does everyone already know what their essay will be about? Am I the only one who hasn’t even started writing or brainstorming? I do get ideas from time to time but I’ve never acted upon it since I feel like my ideas won’t be good enough. Lots of negativity in the post so far but I am just way too stressed out about college. It’s kinda crazy how everything you do in your teen years is just solely for college. I would also like to apologize for my lack of posts, and how my recent posts aren’t the same as before. I promise I will get back on my feet and get my life together soon, I seriously need it. For now, I’m going to be focusing on finalizing my college list, brainstorming/writing essays, and planning out my application. And also creating content for my blog, youtube, and ph… Post a Comment Read more Why I Could Be Inactive Get link Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Other Apps July 13, 2020 MaraCo.
Before starting this blog, I told myself that I would post at least once a week. As you can see, I haven’t been following through with my plans. Many things have been going on in my life. I had to work, I was in the process of redoing my closet, I was filming, taking pictures, studying for upcoming tests, brainstorming college essays, and I was doing some assignments for online courses. Obviously, my summer is a bit packed, but this is going to be one of the most important summers of my life, and I will explain why in a later post. My youtube channel is something I want to start up this summer, and your support would be appreciated. So far I’ve been working on 2 videos, one is just a regular youtube video while the other is more of a project. My channel is Nita Mara, I would appreciate it if you would subscribe for upcoming content. Another thing I want to start up is my photography page. I have an Instagram account set up, @nitamphotography, a follow would also be appreciated.… Post a Comment Read more ACT Testing Canceled :(( Get link Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Other Apps June 30, 2020 MaraCo.
Yesterday I received some of the most devastating news an incoming senior could receive, “‘your ACT test has been canceled”. Due to Covid-19, some testing centers have been closed, or they have reduced the number of seats available for the test. During my panic, I tried to change my test center, I called ACT customer support, and I even emailed them. Obviously, I was very upset since my past ACT score was not something I wanted to be proud of. I guess I have no one to blame but myself, I didn’t study. When the test day rolled around, I just hopped out of bed and went to take the test. I ended up getting a 27, which isn’t necessarily a bad score, but it’s definitely not good enough for the schools I’m reaching for. Now I know that most schools do not require a test score anymore, due to the circumstances right now, but I feel like my application wouldn't be complete without a test score, a good test score. So yes, I do realize that I do not need a test score, but I would sti… Post a Comment Read more Summer Activities for College Get link Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Other Apps June 26, 2020 MaraCo.
This post goes out to all my fellow juniors stressing out about college this summer. If you’re like me, college is the number one priority on your mind. Grades, GPA, and test scores are a big part of a college application, but so are extracurriculars. I’ve been thinking about things I could do this summer that will make me stand out, or make me look good overall as an applicant. These are just some things that I personally will be doing this summer, there might be other opportunities out there that I will list but I personally will not participate in. 
1. Summer Job Having a job in high school is so common these days. Many places like fast-food chains, restaurants, retail stores, country clubs, or even your local pool hire teenagers. You can choose to work for only the summer (if the place you apply to has that option), or you can work all year round. I work all year round at a retail store, weekends only during school, and then my summer availability is wide open so I work anyw… Post a Comment Read more More posts Powered by BloggerMaraCo. Hello! My name is Nita and I am the creator of MaraCo. I've always had a passion for sharing my creativity with the world, whether that be through the photos I take, the videos I make, or my blog posts. I really hope you enjoy browsing through MaraCo. Visit profile Posts August 20201 July 20202 June 20204 Labels Education Fitness Contact Name

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