
NOSOTROS: | Kitchen and Canteen Home2 US About Services Contact HOME ABOUT US HOW IT WORKS SERVICES FAQ CONTACT Home About Us How it Works Services FAQ Contact Eating and Cooking in tune with “lagom” means embracing food that is good for body and soul , unfussy, delicious and sustaining, ... All in harmony. We love life-food balance, and our passion is served in every meal. We started this journey because we believe we can help children learn to love healthy food and build lifelong healthy eating habits. Therefore we developed LAGOM Kitchen & Canteen .


How it Works     Register Now

Knowles-Dellner, S. , (2017), Lagom: The Swedish Art of Eating Harmoniously, UK: Quadrille Publishing Ltd.



We are a group of Peruvian professionals in collective food. We provide lunches and snacks with an approach based on trust, pride and the enjoyment of both our customers and us. Throughout 15 years of experience, we have developed different food service concession brands: PRO-BOCA: Food Concessionaire; La Mutti: Deli Café; Fika: Bar & Kitchen; Lagom: School Cafeterias. OUR EXPERIENCE

We daily attend more than 4,500 customers in 25 locations, along with a team of more than 180 collaborators. All our branches are located in Lima within corporations such as: WHAT MATTERS TO US

1.- Build parents trust.
2. Inspire students to adopt healthier eating habits. They will decide what to eat based on healthy alternatives and a guided choice. Through an app, you will have access to information about the student's daily consumption.

Lagom | Kitchen and Canteen How it Works

Lagom Wallet

Make secure online deposits into your children’s lunch account at your own convenience. Students Pick

Everyday they will decide what to eat based on our healthy alternatives and guidance. Check Out

Weekly Planed Meal or Grab & Go. Students spend less time in the lines. LAGOM App

Find Out what your child is eating at lunch, get our meal plans and keep track on their accounts.
Just the right amount , balanced & harmonious. Click to Enlarge


Weekly Plan Menu (Click) Cambridge College:  Eng | Cast Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt:  Eng | Cast

Grab ´n Go Click to Download Takeaway products Grab n Go Salads, Buddha Bowls, Pasta y Wraps.
* Eco friendly disposable packaging

DIY SALAD BAR Click to Download Monday: Edo Sushi Bar Tuesday: Taco Salad Bar Wednesday: Oven baked Potato - Salad - Soup Bar Thursday: Poke Bar Friday: Edo Sushi Bar
Grow & Glow Campaign LUNCHBOX (CLICK)
Our values in a cardboard box.
Convenient! CHILDLIKE!
FIKA Bar & Kitchen (CLICK)
Snacks: Assorted nuts, Dehydrated fruits, Whole fruits, Yogurts.
Yogurt Parfait, Chia Pudding, Porridge, Overnight Oats, etc.
Finger Snacks: Veggie sticks, hard boiled egg, etc.
Sandwiches, Triples, Pita, etc.
Pizza Taglio.
* Eco friendly disposable packaging
Complementary and independent lunch option.
Daily menu favs go Grab ’N Go.
Our pasta bowls just got better.
Avoid long waiting microwave lines
Meet our Nutritionist (Video)

Sandra Sologuren Bryce Lic. ND Ing CNP 3513 Take LAGOM Wherever You GO Lagom app Get Our Meal Plans Check Cafeteria Purchases


How much should I deposit into my children’s account?

Monthly, an average student spends about S/.319, based on our Weekly Planed Meal. In the same period of time, an average student spends about S/.583 based on our Weekly Planed Meal plus a daily Cafeteria consumption. However this amount may vary depending on their age and activities. Can we pre-order with our smartphone?

Yearning to empower students, we encourage them to decide what to eat based on our healthy alternatives and guidance. For Kindergarten ordering Lagom lunch, parents need to send child's lunch choices to . All orders must be placed a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Can you make payments with your smartphone?

Lagom APP does not support payment features. The app shows consumption in Real Time?

Our system uploads consumption info daily. If I make a payment in the bank, the account statement is updated immediately?

Deposit received after our cut-off time of 6:00 p.m., or on a day that is not a business day, will be considered as being received on the next business day. If I am not familiar with the use of the app, how do I find out about my child's account?

Regardless of the APP, our system will send an email with the students balance and consumption monthly.

Lagom | Kitchen and Canteen REGISTER Create an Account and Easily Make Payments any Time and on-the-Go :: PAYMENTS At any time parents or guardians can make deposits in our bank account to create a virtual wallet for each student and thus have their own account, and dispose of our products without the need to carry money, although we also accept cash, Visa and Mastercard at the time. What they consume automatically will be deducted from each student's account.

STEPS: 1. Make a transfer or deposit: Banco de Credito de Peru
Number: 194-2307639-0-83
Interbank Code: 00219400230763908392
Company info: VSD Alimentos y Bebidas E.I.R.L RUC 20511555729

2. Send us a screenshot with voucher, indicating students full name and grade to
:: PAGOS En cualquier momento los padres o apoderados podrán realizar depósitos en nuestra cuenta bancaria para crear un monedero virtual para cada alumno. Aquello que consuma automáticamente debitará de cada una de las cuentas de los estudiantes.

PASOS: 1. Realizar transferencia: Banco de Crédito del Perú
Cuenta Corriente Soles: 194-2307639-0-83
Código Interbancario: 00219400230763908392

2. Enviar voucher de transferencia a cualquiera de nuestros correos indicando nombre completo y grado del estudiante a
:: CONTACT Maryam Alvarado (Administradora Cambridge College Lima) 51-913-527-883
Geraldine Strauss (Administradora Colegio Franklyn Delano Roosevelt) 51-941-106-346
Mariluz Cervantes (Manager) 51-941-106-346
José Baca-Álvarez (Director) 51-983-728-803 :: Create Account STUDENT INFORMATION First and Last Name * Type of Document * Grade * Document Number * PARENT OR GUARDIAN INFORMATION First and Last Name * E-mail * Phone Number *

REGISTER * We respect your personal information. Read our Confidenciality Statement

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