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KPMG’s Global Board and Council have unanimously voted to approve that Bill Thomas be reelected as Global Chairman & CEO.
KPMG’s Global Board and Council voted to approve that Bill Thomas be reelected. Read the press release Cyber security All hands on deck All hands on deck
Key cyber security considerations for a new reality.
Key cyber security considerations for a new reality. Cyber security The year for digital transformation The year for digital transformation
Yet, CEOs remain concerned about cyber security.
Yet, CEOs remain concerned about cyber security. Cyber security Cyber matters Cyber matters
Technical insights that matter most.
Technical insights that matter most. Cyber security Cyber security services Cyber security services
Use cyber security to protect your future.
Use cyber security to protect your future. Business resilience Business protection Business protection
In a dynamic global risk environment, the threats are multiplying, but so are the opportunities to predict them, mitigate them and profit from them.
Threats are multiplying but so are opportunities to mitigate them. Supporting communities through COVID-19
Serving and strengthening our communities, advancing education and sustainable development.
Serving and strengthening our communities, advancing education and sustainable development Industries Asset Management
Working with asset management firms, from institutional investors to wealth management, helping them make bold decisions required for future success. Banking and Capital Markets
From the world’s largest banks to fintech’s, we help them create a future that is interconnected, secure and frictionless for their clients. Energy
Shifting regulation, customer demands, and technologies are transforming the energy sector. Together we can tackle difficult issues. Government
A global network of professionals who deliver meaningful results through a deep understanding of the issues and operations of the public sector. Life Sciences
Building, reforming and transforming world-class biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical device corporations to meet the demands of patients. Insurance
Helping the world’s largest insurers dealing with regulatory changes, operational pressures and demands to digitize, prepare for the future. All Industries Services Audit and Assurance
We are committed to serving the public interest by providing objective assurance over data on which investors rely. Tax & Legal
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