Hatch - Consulting engineering and project implementation Toggle navigation English Español Français Our Expertise Projects + Metals & Minerals Projects + AP60 Smelter 90 MW Calcium Carbide Furnaces Al Taweelah alumina refinery Alcoa–Hatch Northeast Alliance Alumar Unit 2 Amursk Pressure Oxidation POX Hub Expansion Project Anling 1700 mm Coilbox™ ArcelorMittal Exploitation miniere du Canada ArcelorMittal SA Vandervijlpark FFF System Design and Supply Barro Alto Electric Furnace Upgrade Business turnaround Carbon and Energy Reduction Strategy Carbon Monoxide Gas Handling Systems for Calcium Carbide Furnaces Catastrophic risk assurance program Chuquicamata Underground Mine Clairton Improvement Project Concentrate Burner Improvement and Swirl Disperser Technology Development Dehydration Area and Core Technology Delivery Projects Digital transformation and business improvement Drayton South Open-Cut Coal Mine DST Demonstration Plant Eagle Point Mine Esterhazy K3 Expansion Project Esterhazy K1 and K2 Expansion Project Faustina Brownfield Fertilizer Plant Fenix Electric Furnace Gahcho Kué Diamond Mine Galaxy Jiangsu Lithium Carbonate Plant Gold mine in Western Australia Grosvenor Underground Coal Mine Execution Hatch-Glencore Technology Venture Jadar Project Jamalco Phase One J.R. Simplot Phosphoric Acid Plant Expansion Project Kamoto Refinery & Roaster Refurbishment Kemano Second Tunnel (T2) Project Long Harbour Processing Plant Long-Term Support and Performance Enhancements Maaden Alumina Refinery Maaden Bulghah Gold Project Maboumine Demonstration Plant Mary River Iron Ore Development Meadowbank Gold Project Mina Ministro Hales Mine-to-process optimization of Polyus gold operations Mosaic New Wales MicroEssentials Conversion Project MSP Tailings Treatment Plant Muga Potash Plant Nickel Rim South NKMZ 2500 mm Coilbox™ Northam Converter Dry Slag Granulation Onça Puma Furnace 1 Rebuild Organizational design and right-sizing Phoenix Mill Expansion Port Waratah Coal Services Bucketwheel Reclaimer Pueblo Viejo – Pressure Oxidation and Air Separation Project QSLIC Primary Magnesium Plant Raglan Mine — Phase II Mining Projects 8H and 14 Ranger Brine Concentrator Resolution Copper Mine — No. 9 Shaft Deepening Project Review of tailings dam safety inspections Sierra Gorda Molybdenum Plant Sishen South Project Spudless Dredge Automation Sulfuric Acid Plant Tasiast Expansion Project Tenke Fungurume Mine UGS 375 ktpa Plant Expansion US Steel Mon Valley Works FFF System USS Gary Works No 8 Blast Furnace Reline Vaudreuil 2022 Phase I Voisey's Bay Mine Expansion Water sampling at depth with drones Yarwun Alumina Refinery Zaporizshstal 1680 mm Coilbox™ Zinc Sulfide Concentrate TreatmentEnergy Projects + Apiacás Hydro Complex Project Bruce Power Refurbishment and Major Component Replacement Program Chaudière Falls Hydroelectric Redevelopment Darlington and Pickering Nuclear Generating Stations Operational Support Al Taweelah Alumina power and steam integration Al Taweelah Alumina refinery operational readiness Bécancour Green Hydrogen Plant Coal-fired power station maintenance outage Enhancing Dam Safety in Nepal Exploits River Hydroelectric Assets Condition Assessment Fleet Improvement Program Implementing an Energy Management Information System (EMIS) Jordan's IPP3 Kashechewan First Nation flood-risk forecasting and mitigation Mesquite Solar 1 Pocheon combined cycle power plant for an independent power producer Rosslyn Brewery Cogeneration Plant SunCoke South Shore Project Thunder Bay solar projects Utility Grade Microgrid Controller Development Weyburn Carbon Capture Utilization and Sequestration Project Forrest Kerr Hydroelectric Project Gorgon Project Habshan Sulfur Granulation Inflow Forecasting for Muskrat Falls Flood Management Interior to Lower Mainland Transmission Project Karabiga Power Plant Keenleyside Dam Spillway Gate Improvements Kitimat Clean Refinery Lower Connecticut River Relicensing Study Lower Mattagami River Project Maritime Link McArthur River Electrical Substation Nsolv Pilot Plant NYPA Day Ahead Scheduling for St. Lawrence Power Project Oxec II Hydroelectric Project Raglan Mine Integrated Wind-Storage-Diesel Energy Rainy River Solar Waste Repositories for the Nuclear Waste Management OrganizationInfrastructure Projects + Abbotsford International Airport Parallel Taxiway and Apron Extension Airbus Final Assembly Line Baffinland—Mary River Aerodrome Bandar Malaysia Burnhamthorpe Water Project Calgary Green Line LRT Calgary Green Line LRT Ancillary Revenue Options Calgary International Airport Runway Development Project Calgary West Light Rail Transit Cancun International Airport's New Runway Centennial Parkway Central Avenue Bridge Replacement City of Mississauga Economic Development Strategy 2020-2025 Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal 7X Project Davenport Diamond Rail Grade Separation Dulles Airport Tunnels Durban Aerotropolis Master Plan Edmonton Valley Line LRT Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit Elm Road GS Water Intake Tunnel Engineering Services to Canadian National Railway Engineering Services to Canadian Pacific Railway Euclid Creek Storage Tunnel Fremantle Container Terminal Halifax Shipyard Modernization Program Highway 404 Extension HKG Integrated Ramp Services Keswick Water Pollution Control Plant Upgrades and Outfall King Road at CN Rail Grade Separation King Transnet Freight Railway Mainline Deviation Project LAX Modernization Program Lima Refinery Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Long range master plan for Port of New York and New Jersey Luggage Point Advanced Water Treatment Plant Marathon Petroleum Desalter Blowdown Process and Treatment Facilities Mary River Project Rail Infrastructure Mid-Halton Wastewater Treatment Plant Neptune Bulk Terminals Capacity Upgrade Niagara Tunnel Nipigon River Bridge Construction – Contract Administration North-West PATH Tunnel Port Mann Water Supply Tunnel Port Mann/Highway 1 Regional Connector Transit Corridor Rt. Honourable Herb Gray Parkway San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Sandton Rea Vaya Bus Rapid Transit Bridge Seymour-Capilano Twin Tunnels Shaganappi Trail Pedestrian Overpass Silicon Valley Rapid Transit Project/BART Sound Transit Advisory Southport Marine Terminal Development The Calgary Green Line LRT: TOD services and economics The socioeconomic impact of the Gautrain study Toronto Pearson Terminal Redevelopment Transnet Capital Expansion Program Transport for London's and Crossrail's Economic Impact TraPac Terminal Automation Support Tugela River Pedestrian Bridge Umgeni Interchange Vancouver Airport PCC Slab Replacement Program Vancouver Airport South Airfield Runway End Safety Areas Vancouver Airport W4 deicing pad project Vancouver International Airport Pier C Expansion Vancouver International Airport South Airfield Low-Visibility Upgrade Water Outfall Project—MBR System West Area CSO Tunnels and Pump Stations Western Corridor Capacity Expansion Woodbine Racetrack Redevelopment Careers + Career opportunities Hatch Student & New Graduate Opportunities Life at Hatch Professionals Recruitment Fraud Students and New GraduatesAbout Us + About the Company + Recent Awards Board of Directors Community Involvement COVID-19 Information Center Health & Safety Our Manifesto Our People QualityClimate Change and Sustainability Diversity & Inclusion Events & Conferences Webinars + climate-proof your hydro operation ESG Webinar hgacres permanent floating safety booms Energy efficiency and public-private partnershipsEthics Information for Suppliers News & Media Office Locations + Australia Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Iceland India Indonesia Oman Peru Russia Saudi Arabia South Africa Suriname United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United StatesPublications + Blogs Newsletter Performance Innovations Sustainability Report Technical Papers Contact Us Building
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News release: Making the complex simple — Hatch RobertsDay integration Urban Solutions Smarter cities aren't a social ideal, they're an economic imperative
Learn moreCASE STUDY: The socioeconomic impact of the Gautrain study Innovation in mining Approaches for a new era of mining
Learn moreCASE STUDY: Pilot plant produces 40% more aluminum Responsible energy supply & use Finding the right energy mix
Learn moreCASE STUDY: 2.4 million litres of diesel saved at mine site Stay connected: subscribe to the Performance Innovations digital newsletter
The latest issue of Performance Innovations is now available! Read about Hatch’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, how we’re managing uncertainty and connecting remotely, and some of the solutions that we're working on to address global issues, like climate change. Read now, or get Performance Innovations directly to your inbox! Subscribe here. Viewpoints Why employee resource groups matter: a driving force of diversity and inclusion Georgia Maw Visibility and advocacy play a critical role in ensuring employees bring their authentic selves to work. Employee resource groups are one of the ways we can better drive inclusion and empower employees to create meaningful, positive change. Unlocking a sustainable energy mix with nuclear Amar Jolly Energy inequality, urbanization, and climate change all share one thing in common: access to sustainable and reliable power. Amar Jolly shares his take on how nuclear power can help us to achieve a less carbon-intensive world in an economical way. Embedding social value in project planning is more than a nice-to-have Kelly Watson Interest in social value, including how to embed this thinking in capital projects, has been building for years. Let's have a look how. All Blogs News Michael Houen joins Hatch as director of smart port strategy Friday, October 16, 2020 New integration advances the planning, design and development of urban environment Tuesday, October 13, 2020 Hatch announces $1-million investment in Canadian Museum of Nature’s newly announced Nature FoundationWednesday, October 7, 2020 All News Events HYDRO 2020 October 26-28, 2020All Events What our clients say
“Over the life of the project, Hatch and Hatch Indisa personnel were not only very responsive but also helpful and reasonable in their approach to the many changes that occurred. I personally attribute this to the multicultural team, and to the leadership that was associated to the project. Cooperation and seeking the best outcome has always been the goal and was, in fact, the rule for this project.” Michael X. Schlumpberger | Executive General Manager Operations, Highfield Resources Limited
“Hatch was able to successfully adapt to whatever was required of the team and was able to deliver a very successful project amid some challenging conditions.” Mr. Iggy Tan | Chief Executive Officer, Galaxy Resources (Jiangsu) Co. Ltd.
“Special recognition goes to all involved for making this transition virtually seamless...I know there were many long hours and critical moments. Your perseverance has paid off.” Doug Morgan | Director, Calgary Transit (2018) Need a solution? Let's connect.
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